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Leverage the Power of AI for Battery Testing


AI has a foothold in just about every industry. Its revolutionary ability to quickly provide answers and solve complex problems is changing people’s approach to decision-making. AI is making leaps and bounds within the environmental testing space, specifically battery testing. It can produce greater product development, be more efficient, and pave the way for companies to have a faster time to market.

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Artificial Intelligence with Battery Testing

With skyrocketing customer demands and extreme competitive pressure, numerous battery manufacturers are forced to create complex products to stay afloat. The physical makeup of these batteries are only becoming more intricate, and engineers are consistently forced to stay on track with their projects while also competing with the fast-paced market. With AI, battery manufacturers are given the support they need to be competitive. Its potential to assess battery performance and help guarantee durability and safety is game-changing. More and more engineers are learning to leverage AI through data, analyzing hours worth of data throughput in minutes. 

A New Relationship: AI and Battery Testing

The promise of AI is attractive for highly sought-after products, including EVs and consumer electronics. New EVs are continually launching, and car manufacturers are consistently on the lookout to improve range anxiety. EV battery testing with AI has the potential to assist with rapid growth by testing different battery chemistries to find the chemistry that allows for longer distances on a single charge. Companies such as Monolith are creating AI algorithms that can reduce testing by up to 70%. The product provides recommendations on the validation tests to run during product development, such as batteries and fuel cells. It has proved to help with a significant reduction in testing, resulting in less time spent manually by engineers to complete tests. 

Apart from Monolith, companies worldwide are testing the possibilities of AI. This year, researchers at Stanford, MIT, and the Toyota Research Institute completed experiments studying machine learning techniques for battery testing. The researchers wanted to leverage AI to reduce the number and duration of tests needed to identify the lifecycle of EV batteries. Researchers discovered the lifetime of EV batteries using a fraction of the tests that traditional methods require. Typically, it could take up to 500 days to complete the testing, but with the support of AI, researchers collected their results in 16 days—showing a reduction of 98%. 

Power the Future With AI Battery Testing

Battery testing is entering a new generation. It is clear that AI is here to stay and is emerging as a promising key to breakthrough technology. With AI, battery manufacturers can save not only on time but also on costs. Battery tests can cost millions of dollars, but with AI, manufacturers can reduce time to market, enabling them to save on costs that would otherwise go strictly to testing. This allows companies to reenvision their financial budgets. 

Embrace the future with the help of Associated Environmental Systems (AES). At AES, we can provide you with innovative battery test chambers and patented and patent-pending battery testing fixtures that can easily be used alongside AI. Each battery test chamber comes standard with AESONE CONSOLE, a remote monitoring software that gives live updates about your device under test. Our software provides data in conjunction with chamber data to help guide AI to exceptional results. 

Get in Touch With AES About Battery Testing

How can we help you bring your next product to market? Contact a sales engineer at AES today. We’ll adapt your unique testing requirements to our battery test chambers and fixturing solutions. Together, let’s work to produce products that change the world. 

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