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Buying vs. Renting an Environmental Test Chamber

Environmental Test Chambers

Are you looking to test a new product and examine how it responds to different climates and temperatures? If so, you’ll need an environmental test chamber. Associated Environmental Systems (AES) can help.Request More Test Chamber Information Here

Considering to Buy or Rent a Test Chamber?

You’ll want to consider buying or renting depending on your testing needs. It can be easy to assume that renting a test chamber instead of buying one is a much more cost-effective decision—but this is not always the case. While renting has its benefits and can be convenient, buying a test chamber provides full autonomy. No matter what you choose, work with a trusted manufacturer, and consider these details when deciding if purchasing or renting a test chamber is right for you.

What is the Average Cost of an Environmental Test Chamber?

There’s no denying that environmental chamber prices can often be higher than anticipated. Test chambers can cost roughly around $20,000, depending on a multitude of options. Your chamber price can be decided on volume and added options, such as an air dryer for added humidity ranges. If you’re a start-up company or just getting going, your budget may be limited, or you could be short on resources. This might be a good time to look into test chamber rental options.

The Benefits of an Environmental Test Chamber Rental

Renting a test chamber allows for flexibility and would allow you to test heavily upfront in the ‘proof of concept’ and ‘research and development’ phases and return the chamber when you are finished. When you’ve achieved the desired results, you can analyze potential growth, develop a product map, reassess testing needs, and make a purchasing decision. If you’re working on one-off or special projects, renting a test chamber may be a more logical approach. Requirements and strict timelines can place pressure on your team, and even if buying a chamber would be more cost-effective in the long run (should your testing go longer than three to four months), renting makes more sense if you’re not going to use the test chamber again. The same applies to companies that test once every five years or so. Standards and performances change, and the maintenance costs to keep the test chamber running would offset any short-term gains. Keep in mind most standard smaller benchtop test chambers will be available to rent rather than larger custom test chambers.

The Benefits of Buying a Test Chamber

If you’re a more established business with consistent testing needs, buying a test chamber is your best-recommended option. For starters, buying a test chamber has a stronger return on investment. A well-maintained test chamber from AES can remain operational for 10 years or longer. That means the high upfront environmental test chamber cost is spread out over time and is potentially offset by increased profits. Saving money financially over the long run will allow you to use funds for other business needs that may arise.

Beyond the ROI, buying a test chamber gives you control over how much and how often you test. For example, if you rent a model for three months, as you get to the end of that period, your product requires additional testing. At that point, you would realize that purchasing a test chamber in the first place would have been the better option. Your testing needs might also change from the standards you’re striving to achieve to the different phases of your products (research, proof of concept, development, and production testing). AES offers additional options to add to any chamber, providing more room for modifications than a standard rented chamber with limited modifications. 

Let’s Build a Tailored Plan Together

Whether you’re confident you want to buy an environmental chamber or are interested in short-term rentals, AES is a trusted manufacturer you can rely on. We’ll walk you through what you need to consider before making a purchase and create a plan tailored to your needs. Providing you with a safe, reliable, and effective solution is what matters most, so how can we help? Browse our products today to see what we have to offer, and get in touch with a sales engineer once you’re ready.