Preventative Maintenance
It’s that time of the year again: a time of new beginnings and New Year’s resolutions. One of the most important things for us here at AES in the beginning of the year is preventative maintenance for our test chambers. Making sure that your test chamber is properly maintained is a lot like maintaining your car. There are checkups on the inner workings that need to be on a yearly basis. You want to know whenever you need to use your test chamber that it’s going to work correctly. Much like when you get in your car in the morning, you want to know that it will get you to work.
Also like a car, there’s a checklist of all the working parts that need to be maintained and serviced to make sure that your test chamber is in tip top operating condition. From the refrigeration and heating to the electrical components, your test chamber needs a full service to ensure that everything is in working order and is unlikely to have a major malfunction in the future. You would not want to have to run a big batch of tests only to learn that something in your test chamber was not working correctly from something easily preventable.
Please look at the following annual maintenance schedule to find out what your test chamber(s) need on an annual basis! If you have any other questions or would like to schedule service through AES, do not hesitate to call us at 978-772-0022